Celebration Time! Come On!

Wow! First I want to thank everyone who has shown the channel some love. When we were strictly a Podcast, the YouTube channel was simply a place to put the video version of those interviews. I’m not knocking the interviews or the people I had on the show. You are all fuckin awesome! However YouTube isn’t really the platform for long form interviews. Viewer retention is a lot lower and its hard to get the videos shown in the algorithm, especially since mine weren’t in a niche.

So I took a break from it all, regrouped and decided to make some changes to the YouTube channel that reflect more of who I am. This was a good call. In a little over a month we have started to grow. We hit 200 subscribers after being stagnant for two yrs at 100 subs. And the most exciting part! In a month we hit 10,000 views. This is because of YOU. Thank you!!!

If you haven’t yet subscribed, please do and join my community. Just follow the link to the YouTube on the home page. Fun times are ahead.


The Battle of The $20 Budget Flashlights! The Full Article.


It’s Ice Cream Sammich Time!